Deer Creek

The Deer Creek Wetland and Stream In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Site is a full delivery project for the Stream + Wetlands Foundation that will provide compensatory mitigation to offset unavoidable impacts to wetlands and streams in Ohio. The project is 104 acres and located in Stark County Ohio, northwest of the Deer Creek Reservoir, the main water source of the City of Alliance. The project was designed with the objectives to re-establish high-quality forested and non-forested wetlands, re-establish high-quality forested uplands, rehabilitate existing highly degraded wetlands, and to restore degraded streams. Construction was completed in the Summer of 2023 and is expected to generate 57.5 wetland credits and 10,230 stream credits for the Mahoning [HUC 05030103] and Shenango [HUC 050300102] watersheds.

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